Ieuenctid Tysul Youth
ITY' Vision Statement
ITY’s vision is to continue to contribute and support national, regional and local initiatives for the development and empowerment of young people thereby enabling them to become responsible citizens who take an active role in, and make a positive contribution to, our community now as young people and in the future as adults. We will do this by further increasing the number of young people attending the Youth Centre; increasing their level of participation in its activities; extending the range of activities and skills opportunities on offer; and further strengthening and developing links between young people and the local community.

ITY’s Mission Statement
To place young people – from Llandysul and the surrounding area, aged 10-25 at the centre of our thinking in order to help them fulfill their potential and empower them as individuals. We will do this by supporting them with a range of bilingual education and support services which:
Are young people-centred
Promote equality of opportunity
Ensure access in all aspects
Empower young people
Encourage achievement
Promote physical and mental well-being
Are conducted in a safe environment
Encourage respect for all
Tackle disadvantage